What Is Rally Obedience

Rally obedience is a companion sport to traditional obedience, designed to showcase teamwork between the dog and handler.  This sport is a wonderful mix of fun, challenge, and action – so it is not surprising that it is rapidly gaining popularity throughout North America.  Dog/handler teams move continuously throughout a course of 10-20 signs with the dog under control at the handler’s left side. Each sign indicates a specific exercise to be performed. The exercises include numerous heeling moves, and at higher levels, jumps, sit/stay, and hand signals. 
Unlike traditional obedience, handlers may praise and encourage their dog throughout the course. Although each performance is timed, having a good race time is not the goal; it’s all about working as a team while performing the skills, with the dog under control.  Rally obedience classes and trials are open to all breeds and mixed-breed dogs.

Dogs are required to have successfully completed a beginner obedience class.  

Fee: $120.  Classes run one hour per week for 6 weeks

Registration is limited so register early to avoid disappointment.  If you are uncertain which class to register for, please contact the Training Director at training@reginakennelclub.ca

You are required to have a collar that will control your dog and a six foot leash of either cloth or leather.  Harnesses, retractable, chain or rope leashes are not allowed.  No one under the age of 16 years will be allowed to handle a dog in the adult classes.  Equipment will be available for sale if you do not have it.  Please wear comfortable shoes. 




Novice/Learn the SignsFee: $120.  Classes run one hour per week for 6 weeks

Prerequisite: Must have successfully completed the Beginner Obedience class

In this class you will learn the rally novice signs that you would see in a rally novice course.


Intermediate / AdvancedFee: $120.  Classes run one hour per week for 6 weeks

Prerequisite: Must have successfully completed the Novice Rally Class

In this class, you will learn all the new signs for these levels including the equipment signs (jumps, tunnels, and weaves).


Excellent /Masters Fee: $120.  Classes run one hour per week for 6 weeks

Prerequisite: Must have successfully completed the Intermediate / Advanced Rally Class.

In this class new signs and equipment are introduced. Courses similar to what you would encounter in a trial are set up.